Gender reveal photos are epically amazing! I LOVE when people want me to document a gender reveal, especially when we all don’t know the gender.
Being a family photographer, I get to capture these special moments for people, these are the moments that make me LOVE my job.
Gender Reveals sound silly or may seem like something you’ve never consider, but for those that have been through the trying journey of infertility, these sessions are so meaningful and important.
Although I still say everyone should have a photographer capture these moments, you always think you will remember the details, but after looking at these gender reveal photos, you often see a lot you missed.
The Story of April and Dales’ Gender Reveal
As I sit here and write this I am writing it with eager excitement to share this immediately!! I love surprises, but struggle not to share the greatness with the world right away! I am writing this and waiting to share this until March. So, if you are finally seeing this it is March and I have told the world! I am having a NEPHEW!!! Ugh, I finally got it out! ?
April and Dale have been on a fertility adventure to have another baby (they already have two Lucas and Elena and they are the best!) but they wanted one more and so began their adventure. What an adventure it is been, I have watched my best friend go through treatment after treatment always with a hopeful smile on her face and eagerness for this baby to come all through the global COVID-19 pandemic. Fertility issues can be a challenge but when you do get pregnant this baby becomes your rainbow baby (What it means to have a rainbow baby). April and Dale are finally being blessed with their rainbow baby. I’m not going to give his name away just yet but trust me there will be another post for that when he arrives. ?
The Gender Reveal Setup
Pregnancy Announcement
Once April discovered she was pregnant she drove to my house to tell me, needless to say, I was screaming with excitement, literally screaming! As her best friend I knew how badly she has wanted this and everything she’s had to go through to get her miracle baby. Once that excitement subsided, I began planning a pregnancy announcement for her two older children! We went to a tree farm and it was an epic experience for everyone, see their faces!
Lucas, their son, was pretty excited about April being pregnant Elena on the other hand was a little nervous about this new adventure (this is a child that doesn’t prefer a lot of change, especially unknown change). When they found out April was having a baby, Elena wasn’t initially all that excited( she loves being the youngest). Shortly after the announcement, she started planning her extended stay at Auntie Catherine’s house. After that she quickly became excited.
Gender Reveal Paint Fight
Ok. If you are still reading you have finally made it to the gender reveal paint fight. You guys, this gender reveal was so special to us all, but it was particularly special for me because I wasn’t doing photography when their other two were born. ? I was bursting with excitement and swooning with love.
So here is how it went.
We put the sign up and brought the kids down behind the sign (they didn’t see the sign before the reveal). Lucas and Elena were handed two paint bottles filled with the color of the gender and the rules were given. They both had to stand back-to-back while I took some pictures and they could only turn around when they were told. On the count of three, they turned around and the paint war began….well for Lucas at least. ? Elena had some malfunctions with her paint bottle at first, but soon prevailed and tagged her brother back.
Yay! It’s a boy!
Gender Reveal Cake
When you find out you are having a baby why not go all out? I mean let’s have a party am I right? As the best friend, it was my best friend duty to make a gender reveal party and it was amazing I must say!
Since we are still in COVID-19 times we did a gender reveal party virtually with a few close friends and family present in person. I tricked everyone there into thinking they were going to find out before everyone else with this epic egg challenge (See video here). ? Needless to say, we all had the best time and everything was perfect.
Friendship is life-long, if you pick a good one, one is all you need.
Next up for April – Maternity Photos then Newborn Photos!!!
More to come soon!
Owl My Love,